Sunday, March 29, 2009

write a story where the setting changes from winter to spring in a single day. the morning starts cold and dark, snow drifting down from above, the trees outlined like chalk bodies. as the day progresses, it gets warmer. slush puddles form in crevices and on street corners, large chunks of snow start melting and falling from the high places, raining down from the trees, dropping like bombs. by the afternoon, water is dripping everywhere from all surfaces, seeping through roofs and spilling down gutters, dripping from eaves and running down the streets. chunks of snow bursting off the tree limbs and dancing in the sunlight. little piles of snow still left in corners and shadows. By the time of the late sunset that evening its all gone, and people take off their coats, the air no longer coloring their breath. have this follow the emotional outline of the characters (obviously).

listen to Astral Weeks, especially "Sweet Thing," while writing.

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