Thursday, November 15, 2007

The state of education between the Black Man and Woman

I work at a newsmagazine targeting the African diaspora community in Chicago. It is ridiculous. Everyone in editorial has been fired except for me and no one told me for over a week. This is a very real example of a freelance story we got from someone the publisher recruited himself. This should give you a good idea of how fucking ludicrous and amateurish this place is. I present to you in totally unedited form, the godawful writings of Heather B. Duke. All spelling, grammar and logic mistakes left intact for you, the reader. The horror starts with the title.

The state of education between the Black Man and Woman

The education of Black men and women are in a Sad State so many black men have many environmental factors that are key as to why they do not pursue and succeed in receiving higher education it starts at a young age. A black boy feels the school system isn’t for him, it can’t provide for his current living conditions dysfunctional home life, dangerous neighborhood plagued by gangs, crime, and drugs. In most cases the dysfunctional home life involves a single black mother, who is tired of trying to put food on the table and pay bills.

The young black boys feel they have to survive and provide for their family. At a tender age he has to be “Daddy and the man of the household”. Lost between two identities he struggles to find his place with the alarming statistics surrounding him such as school dropout, unemployment, and prison. “Black male achievement begins to decline as early as the fourth grade and by high school studies show black males are more likely to drop out of school. In 2001 only 42.8% graduated from high school. The Homicide rate among black young males and men are higher than any other race.”(According to Ervin Dyer title Series will explore the perils successes of young black men April 19, 2007).

Black women are highly educated (Bachelor’s etc). One might ask why: well after we complete high school we have no other options but to attend college because the lack of jobs available, working in retail or McDonalds), aren’t very appealing, black women feel it’s easier to go to college than work. What happens to Black Men? They don’t realize or recognize that education can increase economic stability and accepting a minimum wage job just so they can survive will not motivate them to want to make changes. Another factor that plagues men from going to college is the tuition black males cannot get financial assistance if a person has any drug or federal convictions.

How can we change the state of education among young black males? We first must understand that the psychological, environmental, and emotional factors must be resolved. Young black boys need to understand school is a place for them; it’s not their sole responsibility to provide for their family. Teachers, guidance counselors, grammar schools through high schools need to encourage and support them regardless of their academic status. If young black males are made to feel school is not for them but the streets are drugs, gangs, dropout rates will continue to rise: educators, politicians, and parents lets Rise and Roll up our sleeves and take a stand.

Thank you Heather B. Duke

No Heather, thank you.


Theron said...

I'm not a very articulate writer but this is so bad I think I threw up in my mouth a little bit.

exadore said...

i got another one too. and that one starts with a tupac quote. wtf!